All young children have a wonderful characteristic in common: if we put a soccer ball in front of them, they will immediately start playing. The look on a child’s face when they experience kicking the ball and chasing it down the field is priceless. The enjoyment children get from simply experiencing the game together is at the core of our DTS Development Philosophy.
Soccer is a team sport, and team training at any age is very important. Learning to work together, play games, and have a sense of belonging within a team setting spark a love for the game that will keep children engaged. Children learn how to play soccer by actually playing the game, and therefore team training sessions and playing games are important for their development.
Parents play an important role in giving their children as many tools as possible to help them develop and nurture their love for the game. Soccer classes that train on specific elements of the game are crucial in a player’s development and can be used in compliment to any team training setting.
Specific technical training classes such as Fast Footwork and Power Shooting not only instruct players on executing correct technical moves, but also gives them an understanding of how to implement the skills in game situations. Players that take specific technical classes gain confidence and use more skills in real game situations, which boosts their development. Confident children that dare to be creative in games, have a higher success rate and are more aware on the field.
DTS Technical training classes on Junior, Instructional and Advanced levels help players reach their full potential. The small-group, specific training setting with professional coaches is very valuable to any player’s development.
Especially in the off seasons in Summer and Winter a structured training environment to improve specific skills will show a tremendous improvement during seasons in which teams play. Players that are committed to improving even when their team has a slow season have much higher chances of success and can develop into leaders of their team.
Parents looking to further the development of their player and foster the natural love of the game that any child has should look for programs that offer excellent technical training, in an environment that builds player’s confidence and encourages creativity in game situations. Specialized technical training classes are a major contributing factor to any child’s success in soccer and help develop confident, creative, and lifelong players that love the game.