Power Shooting

Johan Cruijff said once: “If you don’t shoot, you will never score.” This sounds really easy but is also really true. You can only win when you score more than the other team does. This makes shooting one of the most important parts of the game.

What is taught in this Class

Power Shooting classes will teach players the proper technique for a powerful and well aimed shot! Players will learn the learn the “7 basic steps” to striking a soccer ball. Each step is progressive; players must master each step before moving on to the next one.

Step #1: Angle / Approach to the ball
Step #2: Small steps into BIG step / Footwork leading up to strike
Step #3: Landing plant foot next to the ball
Step #4: Locking your ankle
Step #5: Striking the ball with your laces / Heart of the ball
Step #6: Body Balance/ Arm Angle 
#7: Follow Through
*At each level, there will be more dynamic speed added as players progress with their technique.

All Power Shooting classes are focused on each player’s individual development & shooting technique.  While most goals will be scored by forwards and midfielders, that doesn’t mean the Power Shooting class is only for players who play in these positions. 

Class Prerequisites: 

This class is highly recommended for all players ages 7-12 that is looking to develop a more powerful and accurate shot with better technique. This class is ideal for players entering or involved with travel soccer or have graduated from the Skills/Scrimmages class. Players must have general skills dribbling (Dominant and non-dominant foot), passing and receiving the ball. 

Benchmarks to Advance (Power Shooting II):

  • The player has to be able to create an angle behind the ball throughout a ball that is lying still and a ball that is rolling. 
  • The player has to be able to create an explosive run up to the ball, where they start with small steps and end with a big step, with a ball that is lying still and a ball that is rolling.
  • The player has to be able to plant their foot next to the ball after their explosive run from a ball that is lying still and a ball that is rolling. 
  • The player has to be able to shoot the ball with their laces in situations where the ball is lying still and the ball is rolling. 

Benchmarks to Advance (Striking & Finishing):

  • The player has to be able to lock their ankle down and strike the ball half way under so the ball will create an elevating effect in situations where the ball is lying still and where the ball is rolling. 
  • The player has to be able to follow through after their shot in the situations where the ball is laying still and where the ball is rolling.
  • The player has to be able to land on their swinging foot after their follow through in situations where the ball is lying still and the ball is rolling. 


Mid-Spring Classes run 1x per week.
Power Shooting I5/3/25-6/28/25
(Skip 5/24)
Ages 7-1010:10am-11:10am$315 by 4/22; $365 afterRegister
Power Shooting II5/3/25-6/28/25
(Skip 5/24)
Ages 11-1210:10am-11:10am$315 by 4/22; $365 afterRegister


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